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President Biden Was Advised To Keep 2,500 troops During Afghanistan Withdrawal - U.S Generals
Top generals testify they recommended Biden keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan
US general says he told Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan to stop a Taliban resurgence
Afghanistan: Biden was advised to keep 2,500 troops, say generals
BREAKING NEWS! Afghanistan: Biden was advised to keep 2,500 troops, say generals
Afghanistan: Biden was advised to keep 2,500 troops, say generals
2 top US generals advised President Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan
General Milley and McKenzie BOTH advised Biden to keep 2500 US troops in Afghanistan
Top generals contradict Biden, say they advised leaving 2,500 troops in Afghanistan
Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan
Defense Officials Contradict Biden Claim: Advisers Didn't Recommend Leaving Troops in Afghanistan
Top Generals Contradict President Biden’s Claims on Afghanistan